A febre foi embora.
Com isto consegui participar nas estatisticas de infecciosos da dengue em 2010 no Brasil.
A viagem continua em direcção ao norte.
A carona (boleia) torna-se cada vez mais dificil. É dificil saber porquê.
Quando antes não esperavamos mais de 15 min. agora esperamos facil 1h.
O caminho de Canoa Quebrada até Belém parecia não terminar nunca. O calor aumentava a cada km. No inicio eram regiões secas sem árvores. O estado do Piaui, um calor muito seco. Dizem que é onde a população é mais pobre. Hà muita falta de água, não chove muito é uma região tipo farwest. O estado do maranhão vai pelo mesmo, muita prostituição de todas as idades tamanhos e feitios.
O clima começa a ficar humido e entramos no Pàra.
Muita criação de gado. Uma estrada infinita que parece não acabar nunca. 10h encerrados num camião, aqui muitos camionistas não param nem para almoçar.
Finalmente chegamos a Belém depois de 3 dias de viagem pela BR.
The fever was gone.
With that I participate in the statistics of dengue infections in Brazil in 2010, yupii.
The journey continues towards to the north.
The ride becomes increasingly difficult. It's hard to know why.
When before did not wait more than 15 min. now we wait easy 1h.
The Road from Canoa Quebrada to Belém seemed to never end. The heat was increasing every km. In the beginning was dry areas without trees. The state of Piaui, a very dry heat. They say it's where the population is poorer. There are not a lot of water, no rain is a very kind Farwest region. The state of Maranhão goes for it, lots of prostitution of all ages shapes and sizes.
The weather starts to get damp and we entered in Para.
Many animals creation. An endless road that never seems to end. 10h einside a truck, many truckers do not stop, not even for lunch.
Finally we got to Belém, after three days of travel in the BR.
Oração da escrava Anastácia / Prayer of slave Anastácia
Atravessando o Piauí / Going throught Piauí
Pequeno imprevisto / Small unexpected
hmm.. assim não funciona / it doesn't work
pelo campo / in the fields
Hora do jantar no camião / diner time in the truck
Neste camião de 1975 / In this truck from 1975
Simpatico condutor misterioso / Nice mysterious truck driver
com ele passamos as nossas ultimas 10h até Belém / with him we passed our last 10h until Belém
Estrada interminavel / Never ending road
Em Belém fomos hospedados pelo Eduardo, um estudante de moda, revolucionado e revolucionando sua vida, um rapaz excelente!!
Belém é uma capital interessante. Não tivemos muito tempo lá mas deu para sentir um bom ambiente no ar.
Como "gringos" (turista) que somos, conhecemos varios lugares turisticos da cidade, comemos comidas tipicas como o Tácaca, Açaí com peixe frito (este era uma estranha combinação, mas até não fica mal)
Não tivemos tempo de apresentar os espectáculos, foi tudo muito rápido, mas conhecemos espaços alternativos que organizam eventos na cidade, edificios restaurados e transformados em estudios de musica, muito bom.
In Belém, we were hosted by Edward, a student of fashion, and revolutionary revolutioning his life, a great guy!
Belém is a interesting capital. We did not have much time there but we could feel a good atmosphere in the air.
Like "gringos" (tourists) that we are, we visit several turist places, we eat typical foods like Tacaca, açai with fried fish (this was a strange combination, but is not so bad)We had no time to performe their, everything was very fast, but we got to meet somme alternative spaces that organize events in the city, good meetings.
Um pouco de turismo / A little bit of turism
Comendo Açaí com peixe frito / Eating Açaí with
Açaí é um fruto tipico da Amazonia / Açaí it's a tipical frut from Amazonia
á procura do barco para Manaus / Looking for the boat to Manaus |
Eduardo and Adrien
Pequeno animal muito simpatico que se toca na pele queima, estava na camisa do Adrien / Little animal very nice that if it touches you it burns your skin, it was in Adrien's shirt
Conselhos do "estilista" sobre a roupa de espectaculo / Advice from the "designer" of the clothing of the show
Partindo de Belém / Departure to Belém
A viagem de barco Belém - Manaus, 5 dias, 120h num barco subindo o rio Amazonas, acompanhados de fórro (música típica Nordestina Brasileira) e rock americano dos anos 80.
Nem no barco os brasileiros se conseguiram conter de lançar algumas latinhas ao rio.
Foi uma viagem alucinante!
Ficamos num convés, dormindo em redes, com mais 130 pessoas á tua volta, velhos, adultos, crianças e mesmo cachorro. Vamos conhecendo muita gente, as suas histórias, as nossas histórias... eramos os unicos turistas no barco, eramos bem observados mas ao mesmo tempo muito bem recebidos por todos.
Ao longo do rio tinha casas e aldeias bem isoladas. As crianças pegavam em canoas e vinham para o pé do barco pedir que lhes atirassemos coisas (fritos, gelados, bolaichas...) outros vinham para vender conseguiam-se agarrar ao barco (tudo em andamento e a remos) subiam no barco e vinham vender açaí, palmito e camarão. É muito doido. crianças desde os 6 anos. Quando vendem tudo vão se embora e ainda levam um geladinho.
Durante todo o percurso tinha uns mamiferos, como os golfinhos. Aqui eles lhes chamam de Tucuxis (são os cinzentos) e os Bôtus (cor de rosas). Semre que conseguiamos vê-los era uma festa.(havia muitos e realmente no barco não há muita coisa para fazer, até á batalha naval a gente jogou)
Blá bá bá
viagem alucinante!
Assim que nos aproximavamos de Manaus, passando Santarém a temperatura voltou a subir, acabando com a gente. Apartir daí passavamos o dia no choveiro, dores de cabeça...
Esta viagem deu para refletir e estudar sobre algumas coisas.
Como dizia no inicio da viagem, no blogue, disse que tinha "perdido" as minhas ilusões em relação ao Brasil...
Tenho visto,... realizado, assumido, que a realidade é bem mais complexa do que eu imaginava.
Por exemplo. li um livro sobre um jornalista que investigou o caso dos indigenas no estado de Roraima, estado que fica acima da Amazonas, e no barco encontrei um habitante desse estado e perguntei-lhe afirmando que o estado de Roraima eé praticamente constituido por reservas indigenas. Ele indignado respondeu que "botaria" todos os indios para correr dali. Disse que não foi bom o presidente Lula ter dado essas terras as indios, quando falamos de terras falamos de milhares de hectarias de floresta. Esse tratado acabou por expulsar todos os agricultores que ali cultivavam o arroz e criavam gado.
Hoje diz ele que o kg de arroz lá custa 3 reais. Muito caro para um alimento base da comida brasileira, da comida do povo. Diz com isso, que está cada vez mais dificil de comprar comida lá porque se deixou de cultivar lá e agora só vem de fora o que fica muito caro.
Diz também que se os indios cuidassem bem da terra (estamos falando dos indigenas da sua região) cultivassem, a preservassem, ele estaria de acordo com o contrato, mas não é o caso.
muitos deles são alcoólicos, há muitos casos de violação de jovens, que muitas vezes são suas filhas.
Deixam ONG's americanas e suiças entrarem, ajudam ao contrabando de minério, animais e plantas, tudo em troca de um bom dinheiro, clarooooo, corrupção, contrabando...
Há muitas opiniões diversas sobre este assunto, é uma historia complexa. Sabemos que a Amazonas é um local muito rico e ainda pouco explorado. Tem muito ouro, gáz natural, plantas medicinais, madeira e animais.
No livro que li falava exatamente sobre isso e aqui a maior parte dos brasileiros não indigenas que encontrei e que me falam disso sentem que não é justo que os indios se deixaram curromper muito pelo dinheiro deixando de ter aquela relação com a natureza que pensamos terem.
EH! Chegámos a Manaus!! Capital da Amazónia. Muitas industrias, VIVA O PETROLEO, carros, motos, gado,... muitos cargueiros entram e saem é incrivel!!Tudo isto no meio do mato.
Continua-se, sempre, falando muito sobre a colonização portuguesa no brasil. E a forma como algumas pessoas me falam até parece que a culpa é minha.
Aqui tem muitos edificios do tempo da colonização, muito bonitos. Durante todo o trajecto do rio amazonas podemos ver que tem muitas cidades com nomes de cidades portuguesas (Belém, Santarém, Óbidos, Almeirim, Barcelos,..)
Aqui estamos em casa de uma familia amiga. Manoel pai, Cristina mãe, Lurdinha filha, Maria faz almoço..., cachorros maus, passarinho sozinho, gatinho gordinho
Estamos-nos preparando para fazer uma trilha pelas cachoeiras e uns espectáculos para os macacos.
Aqui agora é verão, ta um calor do CApiiiiiiiiii 40G.
Já sinto que a viagem está terminando
Mas ainda não acabou.
Sinto muito, tivemos um problema com os leitores de cartão as fotos da viagem de barco é a chegada a Manaus serão editadas na proxima semana.
The boat trip Belém - Manaus, 5 days, 120 hours on a boat up the Amazon River, accompanied by forró (typical Northeastern Brazilian music) and American rock of the 80s. Neither in the boat, if the Brazilians were able to contain to throw in the river some cans. It was an awesome trip!
We stayed in a deck, sleeping in hammocks, with over 130 people around you, children, adults, grandmothers and even a dog. We'll you get to know a lot of people, their stories, our stories ...
We stayed in a deck, sleeping in hammocks, with over 130 people around you, children, adults, grandmothers and even a dog. We'll you get to know a lot of people, their stories, our stories ...
we were the only tourists on the boat, we were well observed but at the same time very well received by all.
Along the river their was a lot of insulated homes and villages. Childrens in canoes, came near to the boat asking for things (fried ice cream, cookies ...) others came to sell, they cling to the boat (all running and rowing) climbed into the boat and came to sell açaí, palm and shrimp. It's crazy. Children from 6 years do it. When finish selling everything go away.
During the whole trip their was mammals, like dolphins. Here they call them tucuxi (they are gray) and bôtus (pink ones). When we could see them it was a party. (There were many arround the boat and really there's, theires not so must to do in the boat, until the naval battle we played)
Blah bah crazy trip!
So we were approaching Manaus, passing Santarém the temperature rose again, ending up with us. From there we spend the days in the shower, some headaches ...
Along the river their was a lot of insulated homes and villages. Childrens in canoes, came near to the boat asking for things (fried ice cream, cookies ...) others came to sell, they cling to the boat (all running and rowing) climbed into the boat and came to sell açaí, palm and shrimp. It's crazy. Children from 6 years do it. When finish selling everything go away.
During the whole trip their was mammals, like dolphins. Here they call them tucuxi (they are gray) and bôtus (pink ones). When we could see them it was a party. (There were many arround the boat and really there's, theires not so must to do in the boat, until the naval battle we played)
Blah bah crazy trip!
So we were approaching Manaus, passing Santarém the temperature rose again, ending up with us. From there we spend the days in the shower, some headaches ...
In this trip i had time to reflect and study on some things.
As I said at the beginning of the journey on the blog, said i had "lost" my illusions about Brazil ...
I've seen ... accomplished, given that the reality is more complex than I imagined. For example. I read a book about a journalist who investigated the case of the Indian in the state of Roraima, a state that is above the Amazon, and in the boat i found a personne that lives in Roraima and i asked him that the state of Roraima is mostly composed of indigenous reserves forests. He indignantly replied that he "would put" all Indians to run away. He said that it was not a good opcion that thes President Lula has given this land to the Indians, when we speak of land is thousands of hectares of forest. This treaty was eventually expel all farmers that were workining growing rice and raising animals. Today he says that 1 kilograms of rice costs 3 reais. Very expensive for a base of Brazilian food, the food of the people. He says, that is increasingly and it's been difficult to buy food there because if left to grow there and now only comes out and is very expensive.
It also says that if the Indians take good care of the lands (we are speaking of the natives of their region) to grow, to preserver, he would comply with the contract, but is not the case.
many of them are alcoholics, there are many cases of rape of young people, who are often their daughters.
They leave American and Swiss OGNs come in, help the smuggling of minerals, animals and plants, all in exchange for good money, of cours, corruption, smuggling ...
There are many different opinions on this subject, is a complex story. We know that Amazon is a very rich and little explored. Has much gold, natural gas, medicinal plants, timber and livestock.
In the book I read just talked about it there and most non-indigenous Brazilians i have found they tell me that they feel it's not fair that the Indians have all lands, were they curromper, they like a lot of the money andf they lost their natural relationship with nature.
EH! We arrived in Manaus! Capital of the Amazon. Many industries, LONG LIVE OIL, cars and motorcycles industries, ... many cargo ships entering and leaving is amazing! All this in the woods.
As I said at the beginning of the journey on the blog, said i had "lost" my illusions about Brazil ...
I've seen ... accomplished, given that the reality is more complex than I imagined. For example. I read a book about a journalist who investigated the case of the Indian in the state of Roraima, a state that is above the Amazon, and in the boat i found a personne that lives in Roraima and i asked him that the state of Roraima is mostly composed of indigenous reserves forests. He indignantly replied that he "would put" all Indians to run away. He said that it was not a good opcion that thes President Lula has given this land to the Indians, when we speak of land is thousands of hectares of forest. This treaty was eventually expel all farmers that were workining growing rice and raising animals. Today he says that 1 kilograms of rice costs 3 reais. Very expensive for a base of Brazilian food, the food of the people. He says, that is increasingly and it's been difficult to buy food there because if left to grow there and now only comes out and is very expensive.
It also says that if the Indians take good care of the lands (we are speaking of the natives of their region) to grow, to preserver, he would comply with the contract, but is not the case.
many of them are alcoholics, there are many cases of rape of young people, who are often their daughters.
They leave American and Swiss OGNs come in, help the smuggling of minerals, animals and plants, all in exchange for good money, of cours, corruption, smuggling ...
There are many different opinions on this subject, is a complex story. We know that Amazon is a very rich and little explored. Has much gold, natural gas, medicinal plants, timber and livestock.
In the book I read just talked about it there and most non-indigenous Brazilians i have found they tell me that they feel it's not fair that the Indians have all lands, were they curromper, they like a lot of the money andf they lost their natural relationship with nature.
EH! We arrived in Manaus! Capital of the Amazon. Many industries, LONG LIVE OIL, cars and motorcycles industries, ... many cargo ships entering and leaving is amazing! All this in the woods.
Continue this process, always talking so much about the Portuguese colonization in Brazil. And the way some people tell me it sounds like it's my fault.
Here their are many buildings of the colonial period, very beautiful. Throughout the journey in the river Amazonit we can see that it has many cities named after Portuguese cities (Belém, Santarém, Óbidos, Almeirim, Barcelos, ..)
Here we are at home with a family friend. Manoel father, mother Christina, Lurdinha daughter, Maria do lunch ... bad dogs, lonely bird, fat kitty
We are preparing ourselves to make a trail through the waterfalls and a few shows for the monkeys.
Here now it's summer, a heat ta CApiiiiiiiiii 40G.
Already I feel that the trip is ending
But not over yet.
Here their are many buildings of the colonial period, very beautiful. Throughout the journey in the river Amazonit we can see that it has many cities named after Portuguese cities (Belém, Santarém, Óbidos, Almeirim, Barcelos, ..)
Here we are at home with a family friend. Manoel father, mother Christina, Lurdinha daughter, Maria do lunch ... bad dogs, lonely bird, fat kitty
We are preparing ourselves to make a trail through the waterfalls and a few shows for the monkeys.
Here now it's summer, a heat ta CApiiiiiiiiii 40G.
Already I feel that the trip is ending
But not over yet.
Sorry, we had a problem with the card readers photos of the boat trip is the arrival in Manaus will be published next week.
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