Mochila Tour

Mochila Tour 2010 it's a project organised and produced by Made in Taiwan, between 5 of May and 15 of August 2010. The main idea of the project is to travel from the south until the north of Brasil, finishing in Amazonia, with only a backpack, our juggling and our body.

My first idea to build this project was the curiosity to meet the reality in favela and out side favela, life and culture, where i could live this experience.

Why do it in Brasil?
I don't know. Anyway it's a good question... I think it is un illusion that i have with that country and curiosity to go there personally.

Mochila Tour 2010 é um projecto organizado e produzido por Made in Taiwan, entre 5 de Maio a 15 de Agosto 2010. A ideia principal deste projecto é viajar do sul ao norte do Brasil, acabando na Amazónia, com simplesmente uma mochila, o malabar e o nosso corpo.

A minha primeira ideia para a construção deste projecto era a curiosidade de conhecer a realidade de dentro e fora das favelas, a vida e cultura, onde poderia viver esta experiência.

Porquê o Brasil?
Não sei. De todas as formas é uma boa pergunta... eu acho que eu tenho com esse país e a curiosidade de vivê-lo pessoalmente.

3 May Arriving to Madrid

Arriving to Madrid, were we pick up the aire-plain, we receive a message (16h) saying that we are invited to participate in a performance of 30min, directed by a student, Paco of the "Escuela Superior de Arte Dramatica" of Madrid, at 19h30.
The performance was about the work of Jan Fabre

The performance consist by making scatches of some of the shows made by Jan.
While we arrive at the school (18h33) we met Paco, our "director".
He seems being complitly lost, very disorganised, saying all the time "you do what you want", but other times he has like flash light in his head and he gives very clear, straight directions.
During 45min. nobody now how it was going to be,everyone was also lost. He was saing " Well, i really don't know..." or "Wait i will explain"
He finish by explaining his general idea, giving a lot a lot of space for improvisation.

The performance last 1h
Commentary of the professor : Very good performance! Good structure, we see that you worked a lot.

Somme how i think Paco is not so lost that it seems... we thank you Paco for this experiênce.

Us and sabrina Catalan and a guy

The musician


You know, São Paulo has the same nunber of human beings than Portugal
= 11 milhões
I have to share or first traveling on the metro ... hmm we sow passing 6 metro train before getting the corage to go in. once inside you can be shore that you will not fall, every one is very very very close to you, compressing you.
Ok, but now you have to go out,... and then sudundly will you were trying to pick up your bags a the wave pull you and help you to go out very quicly.
After we decide to go walking the rest of the way.

Or first meeting was with the people of "Escola da rua, projecto Aprendiz".
They received us very well, they told us that or experiênce in the metro was normal,(than we discurvered that it was also normal in the bus).
Here they make projects with teenagers from neighborhood of the periphery of São Paulo, such like, paiting, plastic arts, they also organise projects to developpe their neighborhood (free entrance in librarys, rehabilitation of a footbal camp, giving classes of capoeira).
We participate in their first presentation of their projects of this year and a global feeling that they had was that it was dificult to make the "directeurs" beelive in them and they wanted to help, change something in their neighborhood to have other prioraries than drugs and others.

We meet also a circus school, tendal da Lapa, were we went training today. They were very nice and they invited us to present or shows tomorow to the studants, were they are also going to present their work.

We sleep in a house of Daniel, a guy that we meet in hospitalityclub web site. His a massagiste, very nice guy, he's a true "paulista", he loves to talk.

Rua next to Circo na Beco                               

Meeting with teenagers orgnised by escola da rua

                       Escola da rua

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